ABSTRACT: Major structural collapses occur when a building is under the action of Dynamic Loads which includes both Earthquake and Wind loads. In these modern days, most of the structures are involved with architectural importance and it is highly impossible to plan with regular shapes. These irregularities are responsible for structural collapse of buildings under the action of dynamic loads. Hence, extensive research is required for achieving ultimate performance even with a poor configuration. In the present work, “Effect Of Vertical Irregularity In Multi-Storied Buildings Under Dynamic Loads Using Linear Static Analysis”, considering four types of 20- Storied 3-D frames (i.e., a symmetrical elevation configuration throughout its height and three other frames with unsymmetrical vertical configuration starting from tenth floor, placed at corner, at the center and at edge of the plan respectively) it is focused to study their response using Linear Static Analysis.Keywords: Dynamic loads, building, Vertical irregularity, Horizontal irregularity, strength, stiffness.