Abstract—This paper presents the progressive collapse analysis of RCC G+4 storey building for blast loading. Progressive collapse analysis permormed on low rise and high rise building and its validation in accordance with GSA 2013 Guidelines, to check D/C ratio of a respective structure. The response of RCC framed structure under blast loading is checked in this paper. For this purpose G+4 regular framed structure is designed and analysed using STAAD.Pro V8i SS5. Torsional moment, storey drift and base shear are calculated. D/C ratio is checked and collapsed element has been redesigned in order to save partially stable structure. This paper forms a part of the Safe multistorey project, dealing explicitly with antagonistic actions and threats in the form of explosions. Since multifunctional structures are by nature freely available they are possibly subjected to either think or accidental blast loading from different sources including individuals from the general population or previous workers or activists. This paper aims to give a broad overview of this subject area and highlights likenesses between the challenges which are faced by researchers working in the field of blast and explosion engineering and those working in fire engineering. This paper present analysis of G+4 storey structure subjected to varying charge of 100kg,200kg,300kg and 400kg TNT. Keywords- Blast loading, Multifunctional buildings, Safe Multistorey, Statistics, Incident reviews, Blast load mitigation