ABSTRACT: Millions of users around the world are involved in social networking sites. User interactions with these social sites such as twitterhave huge and sometimes unwanted effects on the everyday life. The main social connectivity websites are a goal platform for users to dispersea large number of irrelevant and undesirable data. Twitter has become one of the most extravagant microblogging services of all times and isgenerally used to share unreasonable opinions. In this proposed work the public dishonour site in Twitter is mechanised. Nine kinds ofdishonouring tweets are classified as: harmful tweets, correlationships, condemnation, rigour, house-related, volgar, spam, non-spam orwhatever-outery, each of the tweets being arranged in either one or the other way. The fact that the lion's share of them will probably mortifythe person involved is seen in the many people who take an interest in clients who make remarks on a particular occasion. Curiously, it is alsodishonouring whose devotees check the non-dishonourment on Twitter more quickly.Keywords – Remove dishonours, online user behaviour, public dishonouring, tweet classification