ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774



Abstract: - The use of private vehicles overstates the existing unbearable traffic jamand majority of the parentsconsider school buses to be largely unsafe for their kids. However, safe and user-friendly school buses can reducethe use of private vehicles and will ultimately cut back the traffic roadblock in cities especially in school hours.All buses can be tracked by the carers using the future intellectual and secured tracking system for school buses.This proposed system includes an Android application that can be employed to send notifications during entry andexit of the students using Barcode scanner, ensuring arrival confirmation of the student by dual authentication.Thesystem will also inform parents when the bus is a 15-min distance away from the home.The focus of the study is to display the possibility of a safeand intelligent school bus using secured tracking systembased on verification processes. It is predictable that the offshoot of this research initiativewill regain the assuranceand reliability of parents in school bus and reducethe use of individual transport. A smart school bus will keep thestudent safe, easing the tension for parents and the city will have a plane traffic system. Keywords: - School Bus, Safety System, GPS, QR Scan, Smartphone Application, Android Google Maps API.

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