ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774



Abstract: Cloud computing provides computer resources to consumers as a utility on demand over the Internet, and it nowplays a large role in the commercial domain. Cloud storage has become one of the most popular services provided by cloudcomputing. Customers profit the most from cloud storage since they may save money on storage equipment purchases andmaintenance by just paying for the quantity of storage they use, which can be scaled up and down on demand. With thegrowing quantity of data in cloud computing, a reduction in data volumes could help providers save money by cutting theexpenses of running large storage systems and conserving energy. As a result, to improve storage efficiency, datadeduplication techniques have been employed in cloud storage. Data usage in the cloud fluctuates over time due to thedynamic nature of data in cloud storage. Some data pieces, for example, may be retrieved often one time but not the next.Some datasets are often seen or modified by multiple people at the same time, while others require a high level ofredundancy to maintain stability. As a result, having this dynamic functionality in cloud storage is crucial. On the otherhand, current solutions are primarily focused on a static scheme, limiting their full applicability in the dynamic nature ofdata in cloud storage. In this paper, we present a dynamic deduplication technique for cloud storage, with the goal ofboosting storage economy while ensuring fault tolerance redundancy.Keywords: Data deduplication, cloud, AES, MD5, Java, JSP & Servlet, etc

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