ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774

Renyi’sEntropy Based Multilevel Threshold Selection Based On Bacterial ForagingAlgorithm


Abstract— An original stochasticstreamlining way to deal with take care of multilevel thresholding issue inpicture division utilizing bacterial foraging (BF) method is introduced. The BFcalculation depends on the rummaging conduct of E. Coli microscopic organismswhich is available in the human digestive tract. The proposed BF calculation isutilized to expand Renyi's entropy work. The utility of the proposed method isappropriately exhibited by considering a few benchmark test pictures and theoutcomes are contrasted and those acquired from particle swarm optimization(PSO) and genetic algorithm (GA) based techniques. Exploratory outcomes showthat the proposed calculation could exhibit upgraded execution in correlationwith PSO and GA as far as arrangement quality and soundness. Also, applying theproposed technique to deal with picture, the calculation speed is sped up andthe quality is gotten to the next level.

KEY WORDS: multilevelthresholding, Renyi’s Entropy, Bacterial foraging

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