ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774



Abstract: Accidents may occur regularly as a result of faulty roadside Road safety is becoming a big social concern in India,and indications or warning signs, as well as drivers' careless the government has been striving to address all of theseconsiderations. Signage, speed restrictions, and critical issues for some years. An accident blackspot is a straightening bendswere some of the key concerns of road geographic area where vehicle accidents have been safety policy for several decades.This study describes the documented in the past. Accidents are frequently caused by design and architecture of a mobileapplication, resulting in faulty indications or warning signs on the road, as well as a remedy to blackspot incidents. Theuser's current location drivers' careless considerations. For the past few decades, is tracked using a GPS-based mobileapplication. All road safety legislation has prioritized tactics such as signs, blackspots and associated speed limits are firstrecorded in speed restrictions, and straightening bends. However, in a cloud database. While going around the developedworld today's thinking, the benefits of the existing solution or the mobile application retrieves upcoming blackspot dataintervention are frequently exaggerated. As a result, we from the database and sends an audio notification to the provide anovel solution in the form of a mobile motorist before 500 metres to warn them of the impending application. The rapidadoption of tablets has resulted in an blackspot. As soon as the vehicle reaches the black spot, increase in the number ofmobile devices in the world. The car's inbuilt micro controller takes over operation of the There has been such a dramaticshift in new service accelerometer and reduces the vehicle's speed to the zone's opportunities that a mobile app is now a farfaster speed restriction. Alternative to mobile web browsing.. The current location of the user's mobile phones is trackedusing a mobile app.Keywords: -Black spot, GPS, Mobile application, Cloud database, Voice notification, Microcontroller

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