ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774



Abstract:An Aonline grocer is a grocery system that allows online record of all school grocery or a standalone e-commerceservice that includes grocery items .The goal of this paper is to analysis the problems faced by people with creating andmanaging grocery lists and identifying the gap in current techniques used. It can be observed that human interaction withtheir smartphones is massive in this era, hence a mobile based solution which helps create and manage grocery lists can bevery useful The online report generation done through e-commerce websites. Our application deals with many functionssuch what type of grocery item is received (as per kg/g),calculation of total. Amount of grocery item received ,we can add orwithdraw Grocery item as per month and year. It will generate a monthly record as per date ,month and year ,finalGeneration of withdraw report and stock report as per present students.

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