Volume 7 || Issue 1 || January 2022 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING TRENDSIMPACT FACTOR 6.228 WWW.IJASRET.COM DOI : 10.51319/2456-0774.2022.01.0006 16COVID-19 HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMPawar Sarthak Vishnu1, Vinit Patel Ashok2, Prof. Vikram Lachake3, Sali Neeraj Mahesh4,Shah Krish Amit5sarthakvp360@gmail.com1, vinitpatel6262@gmail.com2, sarthakvp360@gmail.com3, salineeraj46@gmail.com4,krishshah16102003@gmail.com5.Department of Computer technology Sanjivani K. B. P. Polytechnic Kopargaon, India------------------------------------------------------ ***--------------------------------------------------Abstract—Hospitals have played a critical role in saving lives during these difficult times, but due to the influx ofpatients, they are sometimes unable to communicate with various others about services such as bed availability,ventilators, oxygen tanks, and vaccines due to the time it takes to do so on call and the limited lack of qualified. So,what if People will be able to learn about the availability of such services at their selected hospital in a matter ofseconds. needing to make a phone call to the hospital. People would be able to access this information at any time andfrom any location. It will also aid in reducing the number of people that visit the hospital, resulting in proper socialseparation. Ultimately, this results in the hospital's proper operation. To aid in the implementation of this concept, weattempted to develop a platform that will house the services that a certain hospital may provide at any given time, andwhich will be provided and updated on a regular basis by the hospital itself, without the involvement of a third party.Anyone can visit this website without ever having to register. ---------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------- I INTRODUCTIONThe major goal of the Hospital Management System Projectis to keep track of information about the hospital, doctors,patients, employees, and tests. Due to the time it takes to doso on call and the restricted availability of staff, beds,ventilators, oxygen tanks, and immunizations are notavailable. Because the project is entirely constructed at theadministrative level, only the administrator has access. Thegoal of the project is to create a website where anyone canquickly get information on hospitals, doctors, medicine, andpatients. It keeps track of the patient's, employee's, and testresults, as well as the availability of beds, ventilators,oxygen tanks, and immunizations. II METHODOLOGYThe COVID-19 hospital administration system required aplatform that could be accessible by anybody on any devicewith minimal hardware and software requirements, hence itwas chosen to build it as a website. This website was builtwith a variety of web technologies and languages. III TECHNOLOGY USEDHTML: Page layout has been designed in HTML. CSS: CSShas been used for all the designing part. JavaScript : All thevalidation task and animations has been developed byJavaScript.Back EndPython: all the business logic has been implemented inpython. Sql lite: sql lite database has been used as databasefor the project. Django: project has been developed over thedjango framework. Django is a free and open source webframework.It is used by many sites, including pinterest, pbs,instagram, bitbucket, washington times, mozilla, and more!Prepare your paper before stylingBlock Diagram of Django module|| Volume 7 || Issue 1 || January 2022 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING TRENDSIMPACT FACTOR 6.228 WWW.IJASRET.COM DOI : 10.51319/2456-0774.2022.01.0006 17Client-server architecture used in our website : III RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONSGetting access to information regarding availability of varioushospital services has gotten easier as the need to call a specificperson to request information regarding availability of hospitalservices is no longer needed which doesn’t only save time butalso the hassle. The website can be accessed by anyone withoutneeding to sign up which makes using the website easier forany age group.Screenshot of Website: Admin PageLogin Page : IV CONCLUSIONOur project is only a humble venture to satisfy the needsto manage their project work. Several user friendlycoding have also adopted. This package shall prove to bea powerful package in satisfying all the requirements ofthe school. The objective of software planning is toprovide a frame work that enables the manger to makereasonable estimates made within a limited time frameat the beginning of the software project and should beupdated regularly as the project progresses REFERENCES1. http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-01-1998/jw01- Credentialreview.html2. Database Programming with JDBC and Java by O'Reilly3. Head First Java 2nd Edition4. http://www.jdbc-tutorial.com/5. Java and Software Design Concepts by Apress6. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/7. http://www.javatpoint.com/java-tutorial8. https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/9. http://www.wampserver.com/en/10. http://www.JSP.net/11. http://www.tutorialspoint.com/mysql/12. Google for Solving Problem.|| Volume 7 || Issue 1 || January 2022 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING TRENDSIMPACT FACTOR 6.228 WWW.IJASRET.COM DOI : 10.51319/2456-0774.2022.01.0006 18****************************************National e-Paper Publication on“Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Technology”Department of Computer TechnologySanjivani K. B. P. Polytechnic, Kopargaon-423603(NBA Accredited) ISO 9001-2015 Certified*************************************
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