ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774



Abstract: Financial management refers to the efficient and effective management of money (funds) in such a manner as toaccomplish the objectives of the organization. Financial management typically applies to an organization or company's financialstrategy, while personal finance or financial life management refers to an individual's management strategy. In now days we areusing digital technology to overcome our difficulties in any field. Farmers club also facing some to store or handle all thefinancial records as well financial manager are also get tired to handle that records so, our project helps to all user to handle allinformation as well as all calculation with full accuracy. Our application gives the best Transparency in financial records. Aswell as application user can easily update the data, delete the data and easily add the data. And it can help to do any calculationin very easy way. Before our app user do all calculation manually as well as manager gather all the records in the forms MSEXEL, MS WORD…. which is very difficult to handle all data in particular manner and sometime calculation which done bymanager with manually it must be wrong which gives huge financial loss to club manager . To avoid this all thinks we aredesign user friendly application for the farmers club. This application overcome the all problems which facing by the managerof farmers club, and give the maximum accuracy in all big calculation, as well as give all gathered data together. Which easy tohandle and find the all the records within small time it means, it is less time consuming.Keywords- Management Desktop Application For Farmers Club, pyqt5, MySQL

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