ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774



Abstract: Today management is one of the most essential features of all form. Management provides sophistication to performany kind of task in particular form. This system is used to manage medical store related activities in store. Inventory is essentialbecause excess of medication inventories cost money due to expiration of waste and unused medicines. It is developed in favor ofmedical shop management team which helps to save and manage records. This project work will prompt the manager of storeabout medicines that are close to expiry which protect the medicines from wastage. The aim of this is to design and develop thesoftware which provide ease and improvement from the manual inventory system used by the medical stores. It increases theaccuracy and efficiency in medical store. Managing a very large record on paper will be monotonous and complex to keep pathof inventories with respect to medicines. Moreover, request of medicines is being accomplished manually. Manager needs tocome across range of stocks and make approximate of amount of stock to order. Medicines not come to use after they expired.This can help to manipulate the incomings and outgoing efficiently. This system shows the solution to many problems of existingsystem. As we know that, everyone is familiar with the manual system for recording details is tedious, ineffective andcomplicated.Keywords—System, Store, Management, Medical, Medicine

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