Cloud computing is a computing baseon internet where in the past, people would run applications or programs fromsoftware downloaded on a physical computer or server in their building, cloudcomputing allows people access to the same kinds of applications through theinternet. This type of service is profitable for all like Customers, Serviceproviders and Infrastructure providers, it is profitable to customer because itcan run it’s on demand service execution through MultipleServer Model, it is also profitable toService provider and Infrastructure provider through renting strategy’s, itsinclude both long-term and short–term renting strategy’s. Basically long-termrenting strategy will damage large number of resources waste and short-termrenting strategy will damage Money in short time. So for providing profitableService in Cloud Computing with trusted quality of service we combine bothlong-term and short–term renting strategies through M\M\m+D queuing Model andperformance of our renting strategy will calculate on Average charge andrequest ratio of particular service from multiple server Model and time periodof request.
Keywords: Cloud computing,trusted quality of service, profit Maximization, Service Charge, service-levelagreement, multi-server system, Queuing Model