ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774



Abstract:- Basically, the internet has become a daily necessity to utmost the effective participants in which we interact and communicate among ourselves by switching data and information sensed about the environment and atmosphere. Hence in this project smart classroom robot is implemented. The entire system is controlled by the ARM controller. RFID Scanner will scan the card whenever student scans the card and it displays on the LCD display. Whenever students enter the room, then sanitizer will spray on student hands. When room exceeds the threshold level then temperature sensor is detected and automatically switches on the fan. Next LDR sensor is detected when light radiation is low and switches on the light and if light radiation is high then it will switches on the light. Hence this project gives effective outcome.KEYWORDS: Robot, ARM controller, RFID scanner, Temperature sensor, LDR sensor, Sanitizer.

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UGC indexed in (Old UGC) 2017
Last date for paper submission 31 March 2025
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