ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774

“Earthquake Analysis and Response of Intake -outlet Towers” 


Abstract— in this paper, the results of a analysis for the seismic response of a hydropower station intake tower in step-like ground based on artificial boundary theory topography are presented. The topography finite element model was established to verify the correctness of the proposed method of viscous elasticity boundary by considering inconsistent reflective surface. After applying the method to an intake tower, the acceleration of bedrock was determined using the seismic inversion method, and the equivalent load of each node was afterwards estimated. Following is a list of the five different models that were established as follows: massless foundation, consistent input viscous elasticity boundary, inconsistent input viscous elasticity boundary, and whether set contact. After comparing displacement and stress, the results show that the proposed method with contact was the least disruptive. It is possible to draw the conclusion that the intake tower is in a state of overall stability since the base plate of the intake tower and the foundation were in a state of close adhesion during the entire process of the earthquake, both the sides and the rear side of the intake tower did not experience any disengagement phenomena from rock, and so on. Key Words: Fly over, design parameters, bending moment shear force, post processing, Staad Pro Connect.Keywords: Tower, Intake –Outlet Tower, Staad Pro Connect, Earthquake

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