ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774

MunicipalSolid Waste Management: Challenges And Legislative Framework In India


Abstract Indiahas emerged as a fast-developing country in the past few decades, which has ledto massive urbanization. As per the 2011 census, the then total population ofIndia was 1.21 billion, 31% of which was urban population and it was predictedthat more than half of India’s population would be living in urban areas by theyear 2050. One of the biggest challenges posed by this is the management of thesolid waste generated everyday by the ever-growing urban population, which, ifnot disposed of scientifically, causes health and sanitation issues besidesdegrading the environment.

The proper segregation and disposal ofthis waste is not only important from the point of view of the environment butalso for the sustainable development of the cities. This requires a properlegislative framework aimed at providing clearly defined roles andresponsibilities of all concerned entities, i.e., the local Government, privatesector, Non-Governmental organizations and the public.

Up until the year 2000, Solid WasteManagement (SWM) was the chief obligation and duty of the municipalauthorities. It was only after a Public Interest Litigation filed in the year1996, on the issue of solid waste disposal, in the Supreme Court, that anExpert Committee was constituted to consider the all facets of SWM and toprovide with solutions to improve the current situation. Based on the findingsof this Committee, the Ministry of Environment and Forests was directed by theSupreme Court to expeditiously issue rules regarding Municipal Solid WasteManagement and Handling. As a result, thereof, the Ministry issued theMunicipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 2000 under theEnvironment Protection Act, 1986.  Theserules have recently been revised and replaced by the ‘Solid Waste Management(SWM) Rules, 2016.’

This Paper attempts to evaluate thecurrent rules and policies for Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM), inIndia, along with the roles and responsibilities of all the stakeholders.

Keywords:- MunicipalSolid Waste Management, Solid Waste Management (SWM) Rules, 2016

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