ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774

Socio-EconomicPolicy for E-Waste Management Using Reverse Logistic Network


ABSTRACT: The increasingimportance of distributed computing, an ever increasing number of informationproprietors are persuaded to outsource their information to cloud servers forincredible accommodation and diminished cost in information administration.Notwithstanding, touchy information ought to be scrambled before outsourcingfor protection prerequisites, which obsoletes information usage like watchwordbased record recovery. In this paper, we show a safe multi-watchword positionedseek plot over scrambled cloud information, which at the same time underpinsdynamic refresh tasks like erasure and addition of records. In particular, thevector space show and the generally utilized TF_IDF display are consolidated inthe list development and question age. We build an exceptional tree-basedrecord structure and propose a "Covetous Depth-first Search"calculation to give productive multi-catchphrase positioned look. The protectedkNN calculation is used to encode the list and question vectors, and in theinterim guarantee precise pertinence score figuring between scrambled list andinquiry vectors. Protection in mind the end goal to oppose quantifiableassaults, apparition terms are added to the record vector for blinding listitems. Because of the utilization of our extraordinary tree-based liststructure, the proposed plan can accomplish sub-direct hunt time and manage thecancellation and inclusion of archives flexibly. Extensive investigations areled to show the productivity of the proposed conspires.

Keywords: - Searchableencryption, multi-keyword ranked search, dynamic update

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