ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774

Live Detection of Traffic from Twitter


online social network is the platforms that users can make the relationships and shareinterests with others person. Popular social networking sites include MySpace,Facebook, Twitter and Google+, etc. In current era, social networking sitesplay vital roles in people’s life. In 2005, MySpace attracts more page viewsthan Google. In 2009, Facebook overtook MySpace and became the largest socialnetwork site[1] Twitter is among the spreading up  micro blogging and online social networkingservices. Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey. Dorsey published the first Twitter message at 9:50 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST) Messagesposted on Twitter (tweets) having everything from day to day life stories to the latest local and globalnews and events. In June 2012.1 over 400 million tweets per day with more than140 million users Twitter enables users to post status updates, or tweets,no longer than 140 characters message to followers using various communication services (e.g., cellphones-mails, Web interfaces, or other third-party applications. Wealso able to focus if traffic is caused by an external event or not, Proposed system is an intelligent system  based on text mining and Natural languageprocessing algorithm, for real-time detection of traffic events from Twitterstream and traffic  & gives that realtime information on Television &FM as the news bulletin. we also focus on exact location of user, not the region In the previous paper, we took only Italianlanguage tweets. However, the   proposedsystem can be developed for UK US  languages.

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