ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774

Impact of New Public Management Reforms in the Structural andFunctional Changes in Public Administration in United Arab Emirates


AbstractEffective governments delivering sound public policies and high quality publicservices are pre-conditions for stronger, fairer and cleaner economies. Theprogress of governance reform in the Middle East shows that governments in thisregion have embarked on an ambitious modernisation process of their publicinstitutions, paving the way for development and sustainable economic growth.The implementation of eGovernance of UAE government is in the right directionfor achieving Social, Economic, Justice, Safety, Infrastructure and Rural Areadevelopment of the United Arab Emirates.

Keywords: NPM: New PublicManagement, ICT: Information andCommunication Technology, MoL:Ministry of Labour, PPP: PublicPrivate Partnership, MoF: Ministryof Finance

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