Abstract— Now a day’scloud storage is used for the storage of large data and it provides storageplatform for enterprise and individuals and also using cloud storage systemuser can store and access data remotely. It is avoiding committee of a largenumber of users for the managing and purchasing software and hardware. In cloudstorage auditing key exposure is the one of security problems. In commonly usedcloud storage system Electronic Health Records (EHR) it contains the sensitiveinformation and this sensitive information can be exposed when cloud files areshared. Using the encryption techniques, sharing files is hiding from the otherusers. Addressing such type of problems we propose remote data integrityauditing techniques this system can hide sensitive information when datasharing in the cloud. For this, here we use a sanitized for sanitize datablocks which are regarded to the sensitive information of the files and afterthat it transfers these block signatures into valid ones for sanitized files.Signatures are used for verifying integrity of the sanitized file in phase ofintegrity auditing. These techniques are able to secure file storing andsharing on the cloud and also it hide sensitive information. This techniquebased on the Identity Based Cryptography.
Keywords: Electronic Health Record,Sanitizer, Cloud Storage, Sensitive Information and Data Sharing.