Abstract— Cloud computing has changed the waycomputing takes place. It is the technology that enables outsourcing ofcomputing and storage to a public cloud maintained by cloud service providers. Despitea long list of merits of cloud storage, it triggers many security risks at thesame time. Data integrity is one of the challenges in secure cloud storage is afundamental and pivotal element in outsourcing services. Using outsourced dataauditing protocol verifiers efficiently check the integrity of the outsourcedfiles without downloading the entire file from the cloud. Due to this reducethe communication overhead. The existing protocol based on public keyinfrastructure or an exact identity. We proposed attribute-based cloud dataintegrity auditing protocol. Where users can choose some arbitrary attributesto generate private keys and upload files to cloud server. Moreover, the dataowners can specify the set of auditors who are able to check the integrity ofthe outsourced data. We formalize the system model as well as the securitymodel of this new primitive to ensure the security named soundness of clouddata integrity auditing.
Keywords: Cloud Storage, Data Integrity, Cloud computing.