Abstract— To carry multiplerouting in a mobile Ad-hoc network (MANET’s) in order to make nodes more energyefficient by balancing the load onto node. Swapping of nodes is performed inorder to make network more reliable, as the battery life duration of nodeincreases. Here best fit function will be used in order to carry out swappingof two perfectly suitable nodes. System initially generates self-configuringnetwork, which contained mobile nodes without any fixed infrastructure. Aftergenerating the network, multi-path source and destination is selected forsending the data. After that multi-path is found for sending the data, shortestpath is found on the basis of energy of nodes and distance of nodes. After thatenergy consumption of each node is calculated, the node with low energy levelare swapped using the swapping algorithm to the node with high energy level anddata is send to the destination node. The greater the load onto the destinationnode more is the battery consumption. Thus to avoid the battery failure of nodeand to avoid more energy consumption, priority scheduling is used for datapacket transmission.
Keywords: WirelessSensor Networks, Sensor Nodes, Energy Efficient, Multipath Routing.