Abstract- The use of syntheticcoagulants is not regarded as suitable due to health and economicconsiderations. Studies will be carried out in laboratory on lake watercontaining high turbidity. Experiments were carried out in four turbidityranges: 10, 50, 500, 1000 (NTU) and the pH range 5-8. The efficiency of naturalcoagulants and chemical coagulants was examined with jar test. The aim of thisstudy was to compare the efficiency of two type’s coagulants, chemical andnatural coagulants. The results of this study give an overview that the naturalcoagulants will have a minimal effect on pH and a higher efficiency in removinghigh turbidity in comparison with chemical coagulants.
Keywords -NaturalCoagulants, Chemical Coagulants, Turbidity, Jar Test, Lake Water, pH.