ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774



Abstract-In the today’s era, technologies are increasingdaily with new features in the respective sections. Wirelessproducts depending on various upcoming platforms are ingreat demand in large industries worldwide. The Model ofthe robot is very difficult to understand with its growingwireless platforms and its features. In Hotel ManagementInstitutions. These automatic robots are of great use toreduce the manual human efforts of the waiters. We havebeen working on the same model which helps thecustomers with their orders reducing the human errors.The orders of the customers are confirmed from the SmartE-Menu (Electronic menu) ordering system which isavailable on the Webpage of the restaurant through theLCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen. The robots will servethe food to the respective table numbers with the help ofline following sensor. The robot is based on variousplatforms as Wi-Fi, Cloud, Arduino, with various featuresas Touch screen, LCD display, and Line follower system.This system overcomes all odds which is efficient to use andis one time investment gadget.Keywords - Arduino, Cloud platform, E-Menu orderingsystem, Line follower, Wireless.

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