ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774



Abstract- Voltage stability analysis of a power system is avery important, particularly in the planning phase of thedevelopment or expansion of a power network. In thetrans-Mission level, each transmission line has a certainpower transfer capability limit. Exceeding such a limitleads to incidences such as outage of a transmission line,losing Generation units, and the possibility of customerslosing their power supply. When such scenarios occur, andwhen these instability events lead to more cascaded outagesas well as losing generation and loads, a voltage collapsemay be in place. The main Reason for the instability of thevoltage or voltage collapse is the load. Either suddenLoosing of major loads or restoring such amount can causevoltage instability problems either over-voltages or undervoltages. Since stability phenomena always link with timeFrame, it is expected to have time classification of voltagestability. In the short-term (fast) voltage stability, thevoltage collapses in seconds or even less, while for longterm (slow) voltage stability, the system voltage collapsetakes more time, say minutes to Hours. A micro-grid isnormally composed of relatively small-distributedgenerators sup-Plying an islanded distribution network.Although a micro-grid may not be a complexinterconnected power system similar to a transmissionnetwork, but it has some characteristics that makes itundergo instability problems when it is exposed todisturbances. The standard 9 Bus microgrid available inIEEE papers will be developed and simulated in the projectconsidering Different cases by using the Stability Indicessuch as VCPI, VSI and PTSI. Voltage stability assessmentwill be carried out in PSAT soft-Ware. The differentsolution for voltage stability may be suggested andsimulated in the project.Keywords – Microgrid, Power Quality, Harmonics, PowerFlow Control, Stability.

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