ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774

IoT Based Energy Meter Billing System


Abstract:-  Electricity plays a vital role in dayto day life. With the rise in the standard of living of the people theelectricity consumption has also increased. Almost every device in homes andindustries run with the help of electrical energy. Thus this energy should beutilized effectively so that it can be saved for future generations. The mainobjective of this project is to create awareness about energy consumption andefficient use of home appliances for energy savings. Proposed system gives theinformation regarding the no. of units consumed, bill amount and also providesnotifications when energy consumption exceeds beyond the specified limit usingIoT. This idea is being implemented to reduce the human dependency to collectthe monthly reading and minimize the human errors regarding billing process.The advantage of this system is that a user can understand the power consumedby the electrical appliances in real time and can take further steps to controlthem and thus helps in energy conservation.

Keywords: - Internet of Things (IoT), energy conservation.

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