Abstract-Joining of dissimilar materials is very attractive for many applications as wecan use the more costly one only where necessary. In fact , joining ofaluminium alloys could be frequently Faced in many cases including automotive,aerospace, electronics and shipbuilding industries, Where fusion welding simplyis not appropriate due to the large difference of physical and Chemicalproperties between the components to be joined. Problems including porosityFormation, solidification cracking, and chemical reaction may arise duringfusion welding of Dissimilar materials although sound welds may be obtained insome limited cases with special Attentions to the joint design and preparation,process parameters and filler metals. In contrast, Friction stir welding (FSW)seems to be a very promising technique as it permits welding of Aluminiumalloys while avoiding the drawbacks of fusion welding. Products made ofaluminium Alloys have been becoming increasingly significant in industrialapplications because of their Technical and economic benefits. Many peoplescarried out the welding tests on the aluminium alloys with taking the variousparameters take in to consideration for the process. We are taking the materialmentioned Above for FSW tests with some different parameters. Also we will dothe experimental study of the same welding joint. Finally, the direction offuture research and potential applications are Examined. And it will becomegood option to the other welding processes.
Keywords – Aluminium, FSW- Friction stir welding.