Twitter is one of the famous micro blogging services, with hundreds of millions of tweets being posted every day on a wide variety of topics. Tweets are the short text messages which are limited up to 140 characters in length. They are generated and given out at an unusual rate. Tweets are descriptive in nature. Tweets contain too many noisy data and redundancies. In this, we make an attempt to introduce a distinctive new framework for continuous summarization called Summblr to deal with the problem. Existing methods that summarize the documents high light on small scale data sets that are static. Summblr. in contrast ,is developed to deal with large-scale tweet data streams which arrive at a faster rate dynamically. Our constructed framework includes three major components. As a first step, a clustering algorithm for tweet data stream is proposed which is online to cluster together the tweets and maintain it in one of the data structure called as TCV that is tweet cluster vector. Secondarily, a novel technique called TCV-Rank summarization for generating summaries both online and historical of any time durations is proposed. Thirdly, we develop a method for effectively detecting the topic evolution, which continuously checks the variations that are summary or volume based to automatically produce the timelines from large tweet streams. Keywords:- Summarization, Timeline, Tweet stream, Specification, cluster.