Abstract: The Attendance of the students is animportant task in class. The overall period for conducting the class cannot beutilized as the attendance is taken manually. The productive time of the classcan be utilized very efficiently by implementing automated attendance system. Faceis the unique identification for any human being. This paper describes themethod of detecting and recognizing the face in real-time using OpenCV. Thepaper describes an efficient algorithm using open source image processingframework known as OpenCV. The approach follows five modules which are FaceDetection, Face Preprocessing, Face Training, Face Recognition and AttendanceDatabase. For the face recognition of the student, the database of the faces iscollected. The system is initiallytrained with the unique faces of the student, which intern creates thestudent database. The system uses friendly approach to highly optimize the userexperience by training and testing the students’ images. This type of approach canbe used for many other applications where face recognition is used forauthentication. This paper uses modified algorithm of Haar’s Cascades proposedby Viola-Jones for face detection.
Keywords—OpenCV; face detection; face recognization; face training; database: LBP(LocalBinary Pattern)