Abstract: - The traffic at road crossings/junctionsis controlled by using switching on/off red, green, yellow in a particularsequence. The Smart Traffic Light Controller (TLC) is designed to generate aspecific sequence of digital data called switching sequences that can be usedto control the traffic lights of a typical four roads junction in a fixedsequence. The normal function of traffic lights requires sophisticated controland coordination to ensure the traffic moves as smoothly and safely as possibleand that pedestrians are protected when they cross the road.
The main purpose of the traffic light controlsystem is to control the congestion of vehicles at the junctions and also forsafer pedestrian crossing. There have been many technologies used forimplementing a traffic light controller all over the world. It is also proposedto implement the day mode and night mode operations for a specific areaaccording to the traffic density. The most critical among the consequences isthe delay of emergency vehicles such as ambulances and police cars leading tothe increased deaths on roads and substantial financial losses. To alleviatethe impact of this response in smart cities while maintaining a minimalincrease in congestion level around the route of emergency vehicles. This canbe achieved with a Traffic Management System (TMS) capable of implementingchanges to the road networks control and driving policies following anappropriate and well-tuned adaptation strategy. In this system, MATLAB softwareis used for image processing to determine the density of vehicles.
Keywords:-TrafficLight Controller, MATLAB