Stress is considered by some to be an inherentfeature of competitive youth sport. Stress refers to the process by whichindividuals perceive and respond to particular events, termed stressors, whichthey appraise as challenging or threatening. In addition to stressors relatingdirectly to the sport organization (e.g. selection pressures, personalperformance), athletes may concurrently be experience academic, employment orsocial stressors.
Stressful appraisals are further categorized asharm/ loss, threat, or challenge. Harm/loss appraisals refer to physicalpsychological damage already sustained, including an incapacitating injury orillness, loss of valued loved person, or recognitions of a damage toself-social esteem. Threat appraisals refer to the person’s expectations offuture harm or losses, while challenge appraisal reflects the opportunity forgrowth or mastery in an encounter, and the potential for benefit. Challengeappraisals are characterized by pleasurable emotions, including excitement,exhilaration; and eagerness, while threat appraisals focus on the potential forharm, and are characterized by negative emotions, such as fear, anxiety, andanger.