ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774



Abstract: - Majorityof the sprayer pumps available in market are back mounted, hand pumps that areused to spray pesticides. Pesticide spray pump have to be pumped manually andthen carried on the back for spraying in the fields. Agriculture sprayervehicle operates the pump automatically as it moves, pump is mounted on vehicleso no stress to operator, very low cost. Similarly the seed sowing is donemanually or with help of tractor which is costly for small farmers. Hence thereis a need to develop the pump which is mounted on the vehicle so the farmer /labor does not have to carry it, so less fatigue. The pumping and seed sowingmechanism is connected to the engine shaft through a gear train. Thus motion ofthe wheel is converted into automatic pumping of the pumping system and seedsowing system. The sizing, design analysis critical components ofSeed sower with sprayer   is successfullydone and the dimensions of the components have being determined.  Estimation of the maximum stress induced inthe components of the system  have beingdetermined by both theoretical method as well as using Ansys Work bench and theresults indicate that the maximum stress values are well below the permissiblelimit hence the parts are safe under given system of loads. As the maximum load25 kg> design load 20 kg the designed unit works to optimal design. As themaximum load 25 kg> design load 25 kg the designed unit works to optimaldesign .At the lowest speed of vehicle the is 2 kmph and max speed 5 kmph. Thedevice can do seed sowing operation in two rows simultaneously. The device canmake spraying operation on both sides. The machine is low weight, compact andlow cost.

Keywords: - Spraying, seedsowing, engine operated. Design, Analysis.

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