Abstract- The present work is concerned with design andManufacturing of Conveyor used for Quality Analysis by using Image Processing.The objective of the work was to reduce the time, manpower. In this Projectgear Measurement has been carried out by focusing two features of gear imageobject. The problems are to measure the gear features of gear image object, inthe sense the measurement of the Area of the gear image object and as well theteeth of the gear will be counted. We have used Matlab tool and developmentcode which overcome these problems and measured the area as well as teeth ofthe gear image object counted. To accomplish this task we have measured fivedifferent gear image objects area and counted the teeth by using imageprocessing.
Geardefects are a major reason for poor quality and of embarrassment formanufacturers. 0Inspection processes done on these industries are mostly manualand time consuming. To reduce error on identifying gear defects requires moreautomotive and accurate inspection process. Considering this lacking, thisresearch implements a Gear Defect Recognizer which uses computer visionmethodology with the combination of local thresholding to identify possibledefects. The recognizer identifies the gear defects within economical cost andproduces less error prone inspection system in real time.
In orderto generate data set, primarily the recognizer captures digital gear images byimage acquisition device and converts the RGB images into binary images byrestoration process and local threshold techniques. Later, the outputs of theprocessed image are the area of the faulty portion and compute the possibledefective and non –defective gear as an output.
Keywords:Machine Vision Image Processing;Dimension Measurement, Defect Detection, Image Processing, Computer Vision,Thresholding, Counting Number of Teeth’s.