Abstract: - The investigation of ethno-medicinal plants in Guna districts of Madhya Pradesh, India have been conducted during 2012 to 2014. The indigenous and traditional knowledge of local tribal communities i.e. Bhil, Gond and Sahariyas and information regarding native plants used by them have been collected through questionnaire and personal interviews during the field survey. In the present investigation, a total number of 30 plant species belonging to 19 families were recorded, which are using by ethnic groups of district Guna of Madhya Pradesh. Fabaceae has the highest number of species (06 species) followed by Ceaselpianaceae and Combretaceae (03 species each), Liliaceae and Moraceae (02 species each) and rest of the families i.e. Anacardiaceae, Annonaceae, Asteraceae, Convulvulaceae, Cyperaceae, Ephorbiaceae, Meliaceae, Mrytaceae, Nyctangiaceae, Oleaceae, Rhamnaceae, Rutaceae, Sapotaceae and Solanaceae contain one species each.
Keywords: - Ethnobotany, Traditional Medicinal Plants, Indigenous, Guna, Madhya Pradesh