Abstract: From some previous years there is a growingawareness in India about extensive damage being caused to the environment dueto accumulation of waste materials and it has become one of the majorenvironmental, economic and social issues. We are facing the problem of solidwaste i.e. plastic waste and Aluminium foil waste. Theconstruction industry is the biggest industry in the world, as it requires tonsof raw material for any project. To use this plastic waste in constructionindustry, we are trying to use it in manufacturing of brick. The bricks arelikely to add energy efficiency in buildings and help create economic value tomanufacturers, thereby, encouraging the ecosystem of plastic waste managementinvolving all factors in the value chain. Looking forward to the environmentalcondition, complete ban on plastic cannot be made. Our present work is helpingto take care of these aspects. The materials used for brick manufacturing inthis study are: Aluminium foil, Plastic waste, Cement, Sand and Fly ash. Inthis work an attempt has been made to manufacture bricks by using wastematerial in range 10-20% in weight of stone dust and fly ash. Use of thisadditive could have practical implications as a means of recycling and forachieving cost savings in brick production. Recycling of such a waste as rawmaterial alternatives may contribute in the exhaustion of the naturalresources. The results of this investigation consolidate the idea of the use ofplastic and foil waste in the field of construction industry, especially in themanufacturing of bricks.
Keyword: Plastic waste, Aluminium foil, Brick.