Abstract: An outbreak of 2019 coronaviruspandemic (COVID-19) in Wuhan, China has spread quickly nationwide. There is alack of human resource for monitoring the symptoms of COVID-19 patients orsuspected person. Also human available for the monitorization of the symptomsare endangered as the COVID-19 can affect those too. This paper consists of anidea of inventing the Temperature Monitoring Smart Band which measures thetemperature of a person without any human intervantion and alerts the user andnearby Covid Care Center (CCC) if the temperature exceeds the pre-definedCOVID-19 conditions. This band also helps the Covid Care Center’s Team todetect the live location of the suspected person. This band is the best exampleof maintaining social distancing in the society.
Keywords— COVID-19,Temperature, Infrared, Arduino, GPS, GSM.