ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774



Abstract:Estimation of economic for any area is the most important task. It includeslots of man power work. It also require authentication in entire process toachieve high accuracy. Economic condition classification with latest ArtificialIntelligence (AI) technology is a challenging task. CNN is proved for betteraccuracies with supporting to the deep learning methods. It is alsocomplemented with the light weight library in python  for image processing as OpenCV which help usto classify the image and improves the speed of execution. Satellite image hasvarious parameter likes Agricultural Land, Water Resources, Road sources andstructure to calculate economical area with better accuracy. So, consideringthis satellite image of an area, there is a profound need to detect status ofthe remote area. In this survey paper, we have several major tasks to designour project. First of all, we have to find datasets related to satellite imageand then designing of user-friendly desktop application and another task is toauthenticate the user and pre-process the input satellite image. Final task isto classify the status of area.

Keywords:PyQT, NumPy,OpenCV, Satellite Image, LandSat 7, Google Earth, MySQL

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