Abstract:-Better climatic condition inside the educational institute premises is nowadaysbecoming one of the effective tools for improvement of teaching learningprocess. Provision of Air conditioning system with better indoor quality of aircan help students to concentrate during their learning as well as can help theteachers while teaching. In many education systems it has been observed that inorder to make sure students are getting most out of their education, schoolshould have air conditioning system in classrooms to optimize the learning.According to a study, when a classroom is too warm or cold, the brain doesn’tfocus on learning. Instead, it tries to keep the body cool or warmed up as perthe need. Air conditioning creates better air quality in the classroom. It filtersthe air and clears the toxins from the environment. This paper reviews variousaspects related air conditioning system to achieve better indoor air qualitywhile designing the air conditioning system based on American Society ofHeating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) guidelines.