ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774



Abstract: - In recent days, social networks are being used as a mediumof communication and for sharing data and information with others. The privacyof users may be compromised on such social platforms. Sharing of jointly ownedinformation also poses a privacy threat. For example, when one of the userstries to shares data that is associated with multiple other users, the privacyof a few users might be at risk as diverse users, in general, have diverseviews about how the data in the system could be accessed and who should bepermitted to access the data. Hence we require a sharable data managementtechnique to handle the above-mentioned confidentiality concerns. Thedevelopment of such a technique is of immense use in the collaborativeenvironment. We put forward a novel technique that is based on trust to achievemutual privacy. The core principle of this technique is that a user can decidewhether a data file or item could be posted or uploaded based on the collectiveview of all the associated users. The trust value inputs given by the users areused to calculate the weighted average of the user's views and the values arerevised as per the user's opinion about confidentiality. Also, the users canstrike a balance between preserving the confidentiality of the data item anddata sharing by adjusting the above-mentioned parameter – Trust based weightedaverage. Replication of the proposed technique has proved that it promotes theusers to consider the confidentiality aspect of the information and the proposedapproach fetches greater profits.

Keywords: -Intercloud, trustevaluation, privacy, reputation, cloud computing.

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