ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774



Abstract: - Privacy protection is a crucialattribute to be focused on in Cloud computing great beneficial factor aside tofacilitate reliability and trustability over cloud data access mechanisms. Dataresource of a cloud data owner is to be secured and safeguarded effectively byusing appropriate encryption strategy which in turn may not have control overthe resource access policies. Cloud Service Provider of course has control overcloud data as a whole but cannot provide the data owner personalized accesscontrol policy leads to lag over high standard of cloud controllability. Dataresource utilization by data users is been controlled by cloud Service Providerwhere-in all the data transactions made by data users don't let data ownershave control over their specific data. There is a chance of lack of securitywhen an intruder tries to access the cloud data a huge number of times to raisefinancial denial of sustainability threats in such that cloud data of specificdata owner will be accessed improperly. Not only that data owner lacks dataprivacy but also disturbs the resource utilization access policies betweencloud accountant and data owner. Putting data privacy of data owner which couldbe done by a high secured Cipher-Text policy-based encryption a side we shouldemphasize on resource access controllability to cloud data owner in such thatfinancial terms between data owner and Cloud Service Provider will bemaintained in healthy environments. In this proposed approach we emphasizefine-grained data access control towards owner-specific access policy strategyalong with the privacy preservation of data owner’s data with a sophisticatedcipher-text policy-based encryption mechanism. In this data on a specific axiscontrol strategy, we emphasize crucial operations like the search of clouddata, download activity of the cloud data, and all service-based operationalaccess are been provided to the corresponding data owner towards their specificcloud data. So the above said data owner access control strategies in-turnaddress issues that got raised due to intruder access to disturb financialstatistics leads to denial of sustainability to regulate the illegal cloudresource consumption.

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