Abstract: Underground cables are prone to a wide variety of faults due to underground conditions, wear and tear, rodents etc.Diagnosing fault source is difficult and entire cable should be taken out from the ground to check and fix faults. The projectwork is intended to detect the location of fault in underground cable lines from the base station in km using a PIC16F877Acontroller. To locate a fault in the cable, the cable must be tested for faults. This prototype uses the simple concept of Ohmslaw. The current would vary depending upon the length of fault of the cable. In the urban areas, the electrical cables run inunderground instead of overhead lines. Whenever the fault occurs in underground cable it is difficult to detect the exactlocation of the fault for process of repairing that particular cable. The proposed system finds the exact Location of the fault.The prototype is modelled with a set of resistors representing cable length in km and fault creation is made by a set ofswitches at every known distance to cross check the accuracy of the same. In case of fault, the voltage across series resistorschanges accordingly, which is then fed to an ADC to develop precise digital data to a programmed PIC IC that furtherdisplays fault location in distance.The fault occurring distance, phase, and time is displayed on a 16X2 LCD interfaced with the microcontroller. IoT is used todisplay the information over Internet using the Wi-Fi module ESP8266.A webpage is created using HTML coding and theinformation about occurrence of fault is displayed in a webpage.Keywords: Underground Cable, Fault Location, Location Methods, Microcontroller, Webpage