ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774



Abstract: The available fire alarm system in the market unable to inform occupantthat their house is on fire. Theoccupant remains unknown especially when they are away from their house. Mostof the time, the house or building almost destroyed by fire whenfire-fighter comes to the scene dueto late inform to Fire and Rescue Department. To this aim, automatic smoke detection system using Internetof Things (IoT) is proposed. The proposed system not onlyable to monitor the smoke condition of a room but also able to alert user and Fire and Rescue Department. Whencertain level of smoke is detected by a gas sensor via Favourite platform. Arduino Uno is used in this workto control all the devices and Wi-Fi shield acts as a medium to interconnect devices with the network sothat the data from the smoke sensor can be read in the Favourite platform. In this experiment, thecondition of room is tested under several burning materials and the smoke levels are recorded. It is found that when the smoke level more than 100 ppm, it maycause to sore eyes, cough and hard breathing that can bring todeath. Therefore, the best threshold level of the automatic smoke detection system is at 80 ppm. By usingthis system, the user able to take preliminary rescue action to save people and prevent fire breakout.

Keyword: Arduino UNO, IoT, Flame Sensor,Wi-Fi, BC547, LED, DHT22, IR sensor

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