Abstract: In this project a Passenger Safety Module has been developed. Emergencies, bydefinition, are unavoidable, uncertain and rapid response may be a key requirement in emergency management. Globally, most number of deaths occurs each year due to excessive delays in rescue activities. This idea of Adaptive Lights for automobiles isn't recent and therefore the automobileindustries have created tremendous progress inoptimizing the technology. This paper is an attemptto make a contribution there in location of generation. Here we are seeking to control the headlights with sensor because it facilitates in identifying the situation and if the values of parameters are extra than the defined values than it’s getting to set situation to proper andtherefore the code written for initiating the switching the headlights to appropriate level/mode gets executed. With this method the illumination of the road is achieved.Keyword: Driver Assistance, Adaptive Lighting, Fog Lamp, Road Safety, Arduino, Crash avoidancesystem, Security system.