Access to information is one of the key requirements in today’s modern life. We receive information through major sensory channels like ears (hearing), eyes (seeing or sight), touch (contact through skin or tactile), nose (smelling or olfactory). Often persons with disabilities (PwDs) are having impairment in one or more of these senses leading to sensory disability. They are unable to gather information from the surrounding environment through these gateways of knowledge (Maria Montessori, cited in Scherer, 2002). Hence it becomes imperative to have alternative means to gather information. Thus we see the blind using tactile means to gain information, those with hearing loss using sign language or visual mode of information and some like persons with deaf-blindness relying on both tactile as well as specialized techniques like Tadoma. Assistive Technology (AT) plays a major role in empowering individuals with disabilities to gain and use information just like anyone else. The Braille readers, refreshable Braille displays, Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) devices are just some of the many supporting options available to the differently able for enabling them to become independent and productive members of the society. But, the lack of awareness regarding information access through these channels has to be tackled first, especially in a country like India, which is rapidly advancing and making tremendous progress and at the same time passing landmark legislations for empowering the PwDs. This paper attempts to understand some of these assistive devices and explores some of the possible ways to spread awareness among key stakeholders about the use of assistive Technology for information access for the disabled. Keywords: information access, assistive technology, persons with disability, awareness.