Sentiment Analysis is the process of determining whether a piece of writing is positive, negative or neutral. It’s also known as opinion mining, deriving the opinion or attitude of a speaker. The applications of sentiment analysis are broad and powerful. The ability to extract insights from social data is a practice that is being widely adopted by organizations across the world. A shift in sentiment on social media has been shown to correlate with shifts in the stock market. Sentiment analysis is not a once and done effort. By reviewing your customer’s feedback on your business regularly you can be more proactive regarding the changing dynamics in the market place. In this paper we are going to study sentence compression technique which is based upon sentiment analysis. Sentence compression method used to divide the sentence into various tokens and then extract the aspect i.e. subject and the polarity i.e. positive, negative and neutral opinion of sentence. Along with this it not only extracts the polarity of whole sentence but also various aspects covered within sentence. Keywords: - Sentiment analysis, tokens, polarity, aspect, sentence compression