ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774



Abstract: Block chains are a digital technology that incorporates cryptography, data processing, networking, and rewardstructures to support the authentication, execution, and recording of transactions between parties. Although block chaintechnologies were designed to help new forms of digital currency for faster and more reliable transfers, they now have a lot ofpotential as a new foundation for all types of transactions. Agribusiness, in particular for high-value produce, stands to benefitgreatly from this technology as a medium for executing "smart contracts" for transactions. To begin, it's critical to understandthe difference between private digital currencies and the distributed ledger and block chain technologies that underpin them.Because of the distributed and cross-border existence of digital currencies like Bit coin, central bank regulation of their coreprotocols is unlikely to be efficient. Rather than being able to track and control the currency itself, monetary authorities aremore concerned with recognising the "on-ramps" and "off-ramps" that make up the connections to the conventionalpayments system. In comparison to block chain's digital currency feature, the distributed ledger feature has the potential tobe widely used in agribusiness and trade finance, especially where workflows include several different parties and there is notrusted central entity.Keywords: Agriculture, supply chain, BCT, Cryptography, etc.

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