ISSN (Online) : 2456 - 0774

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ISSN (Online) 2456 - 0774

Articles for Volume 1 And ISSUE 2

Research Article :
Job Recommendation System Using Profile Matching And Web-Crawling
Volume 1,   ISSUE 2,   Year: 2016,   Pages:29-34,  
Authors: Deepali V Musale , Mamta K Nagpure, Kaumudini S Patil, Rukhsar F Sayyed  
Abstract   Full Text PDF    
Research Article :
Aadhar Based Electronic Voting System 
Volume 1,   ISSUE 2,   Year: 2016,   Pages:35-37,  
Authors: Prof.R.L.Gaike, Vishnu P. Lokhande, Shubham T. Jadhav, Prasad N. Paulbudhe  
Abstract   Full Text PDF    
Review Article :
Live Detection of Traffic from Twitter
Volume 1,   ISSUE 2,   Year: 2016,   Pages:38-41,  
Authors: Dr.S.S.Lomte, Sonal N. Gamey  
Abstract   Full Text PDF    
Research Article :
A Feature Extraction with Graph Based Clustering
Volume 1,   ISSUE 2,   Year: 2016,   Pages:42-46,  
Authors: Pushpa s. Ghonge, B. K. Patil  
Abstract   Full Text PDF    
Review Article :
Application of Network Coding for Peer to Peer File Sharing  
Volume 1,   ISSUE 2,   Year: 2016,   Pages:47-51,  
Authors: Ashwini Chaudhari  
Abstract   Full Text PDF    
Review Article :
Weather Monitoring, Recording & Displaying System Designed By Using Digital Electronics Circuits 
Volume 1,   ISSUE 2,   Year: 2016,   Pages:52-56,  
Authors: Rajendra Laxmanrao Gaike  
Abstract   Full Text PDF